
Women in Leadership: 5 CX Experts You Should Follow in 2024

Happy International Women’s Day! Honoring this day, we are presenting our shout-out to the women who are leading the CX field.

In this blog, we’ll look into five distinguished women CX expert’s inspiring stories of strength and success. You can follow their activities to get valuable insight about CX. 

So, let’s get started.

Women in customer experience

Indeed, men have historically dominated the CX industry. However, over the past decade, there has been a noticeable shift in gender dynamics.

Women are now advancing in CX. They are participating more than ever before and significantly leading the CX field.

Why should women participate more to lead the CX industry?

For being a CX leader or expert, the qualities mostly needed, along with others, are: 

  • Innovative research
  • Connectedness
  • Empathy
  • Relevancy

etc. And women generally have these qualities exceptionally well.

Let me show you some references regarding it.

Women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing decisions.

That’s mostly what a CX leader needs.

Research suggests that women are generally more empathetic than men.

Empathy leads to understanding customers on a deeper level and creating a good customer experience.

IEMed suggests that women are stronger at innovation. Their thinking is far too holistic and contextual.

These qualities are essential to leading in CX.

Another report says men on average lean towards linear thinking while women are more circular.

Circular thinking allows more connectedness with customers.

Now, let’s get acquainted with the women CX experts.

1. Annette Franz

Annette Franz

“You can’t transform something you don’t understand. If you don’t know and understand what the current state of the customer experience is, how can you possibly design the desired future state?”

Let’s kick off the list with an amazing CX expert, Annette Franz, the founder and CEO of CX Journey, Inc. She has been in the industry for over 30 years, continuously helping companies understand their customers as well as their employees.

As a customer experience thought leader and keynote speaker, she consults and paves the way for companies in customer satisfaction, customer retention, customer engagement, and experience design.

Moreover, she continues to define the future of CX through her influencing fame, thought leadership, speaking engagements, and advisory roles.

This customer journey mapping facilitator owns two books. 

  • Customer Understanding: Three Ways to Put the “Customer” in Customer Experience (and at the Heart of Your Business)
  • Built to Win: Designing a Customer-Centric Culture That Drives Value for Your Business.

Yes, you will get practical insights and learn strategies to build a customer-centric culture.

Last but not least, Business Insider lists Annette Franz as one of the “100 Most Influential Tech Women on Twitter.”

Annette’s discussion on how a positive company culture helps improve the customer experience.

2. Blake Morgan

Blake Morgan

“Everyone from the CEO down to the contact center agent should know what it feels like to be a customer.”

Blake Morgan is a renowned customer experience futurist, keynote speaker, and consultant. In the customer experience industry, she is a prominent authority with over 15 years of experience.

She has the experience of working as a senior contributor at Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and Hemispheres Magazine.

Additionally, she was a guest lecturer at Columbia University and an adjunct faculty member at the Rutgers executive education MBA program.

You will be amazed to know that Blake Morgan is one of the founders of the term customer experience, which was not a recognized concept taken seriously when she first started in the industry.

With her expertise in customer experience, she shares her message of customer-centricity with audiences globally and was named “The Queen of Customer Experience” by Meta.

She is the author of three amazing books emphasizing customer experience.

  • The Customer of the Future (2019)
  • More Is More (2017)
  • The 8 Laws of Customer-Focused Leadership​ (2024)

Among her three published books, “The Customer of the Future”  was identified by Business Insider as one of the top 20 books executives are reading to deal with COVID-19.

Moreover, it won a top-five spot on Book Authority’s list of the “Top 100 Future of Technology Books of All-Time” in 2021.

You can look into the Blake Morgan-hosted podcast called “The Modern Customer Podcast.” Or follow her on YouTube, where she shares a weekly customer experience video series.

Blake Morgan

The Modern Customer Podcast

3. Jeanne Bliss

Jeanne Bliss

“Customers who love you will market for you more powerfully than you can possibly market yourself.”

Jeanne Bliss is the founder of Customer Bliss and co-founder of the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA). She has over 35 years of experience as a CX professional and is known by many as the “Godmother of Customer Experience.”

In terms of customer success and customer-centric business growth, a thought leader with a bold vision like her is a gift from above. She guides companies to achieve business growth through unique business practices, courage, and experience.

She is well-known in the customer service industry for her customer success practices, which are practically tested and proven. Just consider the number: over 20,000 leaders have benefited from this five-time Chief Customer Officer’s mentoring and coaching.

Customer Experiences Redefined ft. Jeanne Bliss

She is the author of four best-selling books on customer experience and leadership.

  • Chief Customer Officer
  • Chief Customer Officer 2.0
  • Would You Do That To Your Mother?
  • I Love You More Than My Dog

Like many other CX leaders, anyone who wants customer-centric growth needs to get insights from her books.

Moreover, Bliss’s “The Five Competencies” is a proven framework for building a customer-driven growth engine and it acts like a blessing to advance business transformation.

4. Marsha Collier

Marsha Collier

“How you market your business may be your first impression to a prospective customer. This is your opportunity to entice them with empathy and transparency.”

Marsha Collier is an award-winning author, radio host, and educator specializing in technology, internet marketing, and e-commerce. More than that, she helps businesses enhance their digital experiences as a customer service consultant.

She is fascinated with technology. She hosts a technology podcast that receives about 20,000 downloads per month.

Moreover, this customer service influencer is a top-selling author of over forty books. All her books aim to provide insights and practical knowledge on e-commerce, technology, and customer service. She was an all-time bestselling author on eBay.

Before she started her online career, she owned and operated “The Collier Company” with her expertise in advertising and marketing. Her company got numerous awards, including “Small Company of the Year” honors from various associations.

In 2009, she created the #customerserv chat on Twitter. #customerserv is a platform or kind of forum to discuss all things in connection with customer service.

You can consider her the sage of customer service, as there is almost nothing she doesn’t know about customer service and customer experience. She proudly describes herself as a “customer service fanatic.”

Marsha Collier’s discussion on “Developing the Customer Experience.”

5. Anika Zubair

Anika Zubair

Climbing the ladder and career trajectory. I often get asked how to get promoted or how to climb the ladder to become a CS leader. It isn’t easy, but there are two things that helped me along the way. My two biggest CS career trajectory tips… 

  1. Know who has the power to promote you
  2. Know who has the power to fire you

Let’s conclude the list with an award-winning customer success leader, Anika Zubair. She left no stone unturned for the betterment of CX throughout her journey.

Currently, she is working with several organizations in a pivotal role. She is the founder & chief customer officer at The Customer Success Pro. Recently, she became the Head of Customer Success at Griffin.

Additionally, she is the podcast host of The Customer Success Channel and does some freelance activities with several organizations.

Anika Zubair is recognized as a “Top 25 Customer Success Influencer by SuccessHacker. Also as a “Top 50 Women Leaders in Customer Success” by SmartKarrot.

Focusing on customer happiness, all her activities include developing and maintaining good relationships with customers.

She is vastly experienced in developing customer success processes and successful customer retention strategies. With that experience, she consistently consults companies to grow and scale their businesses.

Anika Zubair Defining an effective success plan strategy for CSMs.

Wrapping up

Finally, we are extending our gratitude to these female CX leaders for making an impactful change.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog.

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