Advanced Filter Fluent Support

Fluent Support allows you to filter your ticket in various ways. In this article, we will drive into this. To understand and internalize this functionality, we will evaluate and demonstrate this Advanced Filtering in this post.

Advanced Filter Fluent Support

The Advanced Filter option will be available on the ticket dashboard. Toggling The Advanced Filtering function on this feature will be activated, and the advanced choices will come.

Toggling the advanced filtering function

To begin, click the + Add button right away. This will offer several categories of data, which we will represent one at a time in the screenshots below.

add new filter to narrow down your contacts based on different properties

You may add data fields as OR conditions as you see fit, filter them according to your preferences, and eliminate data fields using the Delete button (which resembles a recycle bin symbol) or Clear Filters choices under the Advanced Filtering default settings. 

clear filters, add data fields as OR, or eliminate data fields using the delete button

The followings are the accessible data properties and short explanations of each:

General Properties

There are three types of general properties. One of these is based on Fluent support agent and the other two are contact attributes.

  1. Tickets
  2. Customer 
  3. Agent (Is based on Fluent Support agent)
add new filter based on three properties - Advanced Filter Fluent Support

The available data properties to Advance Filter the Tickets and their short description

  • Title: The title of the ticket.
  • Content: What is written on the ticket.
  • Conversation Content: Participants refer to the topics discussed as conversational content.
  • Status: This indicates if the ticket is new, active, or closed.
  • Client Priority: The client determines the client’s priority based on his problem.
  • Admin Priority: The admins who handle fluent support determine this priority.
  • Tags:  Agents of fluent support can assign any tags based on their preference.
  • Products: The name of the ticket’s product.
  • Waiting for Reply: The waiting Tickets are currently awaiting a response.
  • Assigned Agent: An assigned agent will filter the Assigned Agent category.
  • Ticket Mailbox: The mailbox represents the normal, medium, or critical ticket.
The available data properties to Advance Filter the Tickets

Advanced Date-Based Filtering Features

  • Ticket Created: You will discover a customizable option and a calendar for choosing a certain date in the ticket that has been created.
  • Last Response: Last responded ticket.
  • Customer Waiting From: Customer queue tickets.
  • Last Agent Response: The last agent who responded.Last Customer Response: Last Customer who responded to the ticket.
Advanced conditional filter

Here are specifics on the Customer data attributes.

  • First Name: The contact’s first name.
  • Last Name: The contact’s last name.
  • Email:  Contact’s email address
  • Address Line 1: The primary address field and also the minimum or default address information of the contact.
  • Address Line 2: An extra field for address details.
  • City: The contact’s city.
  • State: The contact’s state.
  • Postal Code: Information about the contact’s postal code.
  • Phone: Client’s phone number or mobile number.
Customer data attributes - Advanced Filter Fluent Support

These are the data properties which is based on the Fluent support Agent.

  • First Name: The agent’s first name.
  • Last Name: The agent’s last name.
  • Email: The email address of the agent
agent data attributes - Advanced Filter Fluent Support

You can use all the above data properties to filter tickets based on the available data.