Merge Tickets

Fluent Support Pro has the capability to merge tickets from multiple users into a single ticket, including all customer and agent responses. By doing so, the individual users will no longer receive separate replies for their respective tickets.

  • To do this, go to Fluent Support Dashboard first, then go to the specific ticket you want to merge and click on the Three dot Icon beside the mailbox option. Take a look at the screenshot below-

Merge Ticket option
Merge Ticket option

  • Here, you will get the option Merge Tickets and click on this option. A popup will appear on the top page when you click on merge tickets.
  • The ID, Title, and Status options for the ticket will appear in the popup now you can select single or multiple tickets for merging( See the below screenshot).

Merge Action
Merge Action

  • When you choose to Merge as the Action, the ticket will be combined with the previous one.

Merge button

  • The ticket has been combined with the preceding tickets, as you can see. You can now respond to all of the tickets at once, giving the user response to all of his merged tickets.

Ticket Merged
Merged Ticket

Remember that only those with permission can merge tickets.