Managing Tickets using Telegram

Fluent Support can now be integrated with Telegram to send notifications to Groups or an individual person’s inbox. You can also reply from your Telegram inbox. After setting up the integration, it will send an instant notification upon new ticket submission or customer response.

Get Notifications On Telegram #

Simply follow these steps to get the Bot Token and Group Chat ID to get your Telegram Integration up & running.

  • First, send a text to @BotFather or click the start button to start the bot in your Telegram application.
  • Then create a Bot by sending ‘/newbot' command using the help message.
  • Provide a relevant name for your bot.
  • Next, choose a username for your bot that must end with the text ‘bot’
  • After finishing these steps, @BotFather will provide you with the Bot Token needed in the next step.
Bot Father start telegram
Start BotFather
New Bot Telegram
Create a New Bot
  • From your dashboard, go to Global Settings & click the Notification Integrations option. This will open the Telegram integration tab. Then copy and paste the token into the Bot Token field
Fluent Support telegram integration
Add the Bot Token in Fluent Support
  • Now you will need a Group Chat ID to send your notification.
  • First, you need to create a Group in Telegram. Click on the New Group button from the Edit option. You will be asked to add members to your group. You can add the bot you created in the previous step. Enter a name for your group. Then hit the Create button.
New group
Create New Group
Create new group
Add the Telegram Bot to the group

  • Give your bot “Admin Acces.” Simply make the bot admin of your group chat.
  • Now to get the Chat ID of your group, just add the bot @GetIdsBot as a member in the group, and this will send a message to the group with the Group Chat ID.
GetIds bot
Add GetIDs Bot to the group
Group ID
Chat ID of the Group or Channel
  • Copy & Paste the Chat ID to the Group Chat ID input field in the Integration settings page.

Please note that the Chat ID starts with a minus sign (-), and you would have to copy the code exactly provided by the GetIDs bot.

Fluent Support telegram setting
Settings Page
  • Remember to Stop and block “Get ID Bot” from your group chat.
telegram bot

  • Using the Notification Events option, choose for which instances you want to be notified through Telegram. The available notification events are – Ticket Created, Ticket Closed & Replied by Customer. Then make sure to Enable Telegram Notification. You can also Enable Reply From Telegram so that your support agents can directly reply from Telegram. As shown in the image given above.
  • You can also insert a Test Message after you click Save Telegram Settings; if the settings are correct, you will see a message in your Telegram, and the settings will be saved.
Telegram Notification Test message
Send a Test message
Test Notification
Test Message received in the Telegram group

Now follow these 3 step one by one. These are necessary for Telegram Integration to work.

Step 1 #

You have to enable the bot to reply to tickets from the group chat. To do so, send a test message to the group chat.

telegram demo notification

Step 2 #

Forward the test message to the bot directly. This will enable the bot to forward the agent’s reply from the group chat to the original ticket.

telegram demo otification

Step 3 #

Each agent who wants to reply in a group chat must send a message to the bot individually before responding to tickets.

Note: If you or your agents want to get notifications in your/their individual inbox, you & any agents must send a test message to the bot. This will enable the bot to forward telegram replies to the original tickets in the support portal. 

telegram notification setup

  • In this way, whenever a new ticket is submitted or replied to by any customer. You will be notified about it directly from Telegram, as shown in the example given below –
Fluent Support
New ticket submission
  • Telegram Notification when a new ticket is created –

Reply Tickets From Telegram #

  • To reply to tickets from Telegram, you need to add your support agent’s Telegram Chat ID to their profile. To get the Telegram user chat ID, send a message to @GetIdsBot; after sending a message to this bot it will return the message with the id, then copy the chat id and save it in your user Telegram Chat ID.
Get Chat ID
Get the Telegram Chat ID of the support agent
Fluent Support support staff settings
Add the Chat Id to the Support Agent
  • Now to reply to a ticket, just reply to the ticket notification like a simple message reply. Here is an example –
Reply from telegram
Fluent Support telegram integration

Now you are all set to reply to tickets from telegram.