Setup Customer Support Portal With Global Settings

The Customer Portal is intended for direct use by end-users where users can view & use the dashboard to submit tickets. This article will guide you to set up your Customer Portal with Global Settings in FluentSupport.

Global Settings #

To learn where you can find the Global Settings to set up the portal, follow the steps with the screenshots below —

Either go to your Fluent Support and click on Settings.

Settings from Fluent Support Dashboard

Or, you can go to your Fluent Support Dashboard & click on Global Settings

Global Settings from Fluent Support Dashboard

This will take you to the Global Settings page, where you can set up the portal page for your customers.

Remember, always press Save Settings after finishing all the customization in your Global Settings to save it. Otherwise, changes will not appear in your Customer Portal.

All the settings options of Global Settings

Setup Customer Support Portal #

You will find different Settings Options in Global Settings to set up your Fluent Support Customer Portal. These are:

  • Portal Page
  • Message for non-logged-in users
  • Disable Public Ticket Interaction
  • Accepted File Types
  • Delete all attachments on ticket close
  • Enable Fluent Summary in Admin Bar
  • Enable Draft Mode
  • Customer Registration Form Field
  • Agent Feedback Rating

To learn how to set up a Customer Support Portal with these settings, follow the steps with screenshots below —

Portal Page #

In the ’Portal Page’ option, you can select the Page where you want to show the Support Portal for your customers to submit their tickets. You can select your desired page in two different ways and these are shown in the GIFs below —

  • Select the desired page directly from the Dropdown option. Or, copy the Shortcode given just below the Portal Page.
Select the desired page from the drop-down to show the support portal
  • And, paste it manually on your Desired page.
Use the given Shortcode on desired page to show the support portal

Message for non-logged-in users #

In this option, you can customize certain texts for the users who have not logged in.

  • You will see a default message (Please login or create an account to access the Customer Support Portal) has been added which you can edit anytime according to your need.
  • Also, you can use different Shortcodes provided below to show different Forms.

To know the details of these below-mentioned Shortcodes, check this Documentation.

Message for non-logged-in users

Disable Public Ticket Interaction #

Enabling ‘Disable Public Ticket Interaction’ allows only logged-in users to reply to tickets. If you uncheck the option, users can reply to tickets without logging in using a signed URL.

Disable Public Ticket Interaction

Accepted File Types #

Fluent Support accepts photos, CSV, PDF/Docs, Zip, and JSON files. You can also set the maximum file size and number of files to upload.

To learn the details about file Attachment Regulations, read this Documentation.

Accepted File Types

Delete all attachments on ticket close #

If you enable the ‘Delete all attachments on ticket close’ option, it will automatically delete all attachments associated with a particular ticket when it is closed.

Delete all attachments on ticket close

Enable Fluent Summary in Admin Bar #

Enable the ‘Fluent Summary in Admin Bar’ option allows users to see a ticket summary from the top nav bar.

Enable Fluent Summary in Admin Bar

Enable Draft Mode #

The ‘Enable Draft Mode’ allows agents to save responses automatically as drafts to avoid accidental ticket closures or reply to the ticket later.

Enable Draft Mode

Customer Registration Form Field #

The ‘Customer Registration Form Field’ allows agents to get the information in the customer registration form using the below-mentioned fields.

Customer Registration Form Field

Agent Feedback Rating #

Enabling the ‘Agent Feedback Rating’ option allows users to provide feedback on agent responses.

Agent Feedback Rating

Always press Save Settings after finishing all the customization in your Global Settings to save it. Otherwise, changes will not appear in your Customer Portal.

If you have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our @support team. Thank you.