Google reCAPTCHA Integration

Protect your website from spam by combining Google reCaptcha with fluent support. For this, you should take the actions listed below.

Visit the Google reCaptcha website and click on the v3 Admin Console link.

Google reCAPTCHA integration with Fluent Support

The register new site page will then appear, where you can choose how to add reCaptcha to your website.

First, add your domain name here then select the reCaptcha v2 or reCaptcha v3 version you want for your site. Now click on the submit button.

select the reCaptcha v2 or reCaptcha v3 version you want for your site

Now you will get a Copy Site Key and a Copy Secret Key for integration. Copy these keys for later use.

get a Copy Site Key and a Copy Secret Key for fluent support integration - Google reCAPTCHA

Go to your Fluent Support Dashboard > Global Settings > Recaptcha, you will find the fields for the Site key and Secret key paste the keys you have copied from the Google Recaptcha site. Now click on the Save Settings button to complete it.

Fluent Support integrated with Google reCAPTCHA - Settings

Congrats! You have done the integration of your Fluent support and Recaptcha integration.